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ISD acquired by Boomerang Digital (Feb 2023) We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been acquired by Boomerang Digital, the holding company which comprises leading brands including NRM,...
Our new team is now in place ISD are happy to announce that with the appointment of Wayne Forster as Head of Operations, our re-structure is now...
Announcing ORION! Our new product – coming soon We're excited to announce that we are in the final development stages of our new product, ORION. ORION, like MAXIM,...
Award nomination! We're proud to have supported Bacta in the design and development of their new digital customer interaction system, BactaPORTAL. And...
ISD deliver the new Bacta Portal Launched during September 2021, Bacta Portal records all customer interactions, including self-exclusion of customers from their own, and other operator’s...
Innovative New Products For ISD ISD are always looking to add value for their clients, and it’s through product innovation that we deliver this. Some...
Maxim now supports mobile apps across the gaming industry We have over 7 mobile apps across the Gaming Industry The Maxim supported mobile apps allow organisations to keep in...
Keep up to date with our you tube videos We are very excited to release our You Tube channel to the public as we have had great feedback from...